Southport Homeopathy

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A Warm Welcome to Homeopathy in Southport, Merseyside


Southport Homeopathic Practice


Rochelle Marsden MSc, RSHom, MNWCH, Registered Classical Homeopath with the The Society of Homeopaths, EFT Cert.Advanced, Level 3, Practitioner, Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
Southport Homeopathic Practice is now in its 27th successful year

Homeopathy in Southport
Free, No Obligation Discussion
Phone Me on 01704 560626
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Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing. Based on their experience of their symptoms, a homeopath will match the most appropriate medicine to the patient. 

I have put this site together to pass on some of the knowledge that I have acquired over the years of practising homeopathy. Within these pages you can find the kind of information that is often asked by new patients of mine or by people who are thinking about using a homeopathic remedy for the first time. I have also listed some useful first aid remedies which may come in handy, a glossary of homeopathic terms, some information about me and some other useful websites and good books which you may find of interest. You can find out about Homeopathy by reading F.A.Q. If you have anything you would like to ask me then you can contact me here.


What I offer

As your local Southport Homeopath I aim to offer a comprehensive service. I can’t guarantee that your condition will be resolved as dramatically as the ear problem here or the case of the disappearing warts here because sometimes remedies work in a subtle way to improve your mental and emotional well-being over a few months. The comment I frequently get when a patient returns for their first follow up and I ask about a particular symptom is “Oh it’s gone, I’d forgotten all about that one.”

During a consultation - the first one takes between 1.5-2 hours - you can tell me all about your physical and emotional symptoms and what you are like as a person i.e. how you think about things, how you react to situations, your food and weather preferences etc. This is time for you and enables me to come up with a remedy for you as an individual. Here is a short video explaining about the consultation process.
After you have taken the remedy I will see you again in about a month to assess all the changes. My charges include all homeopathic prescriptions (except rarely a special prescription that I will have to order) and any feedback phone conversations during the month. Private Health Insurance schemes may pay towards a homeopathic consultation. If necessary it may be suggested that you seek your doctor's advice for tests or to discuss other options.

Although a consultation is holistic, in that it treats the whole person, conditions I am frequently consulted for are:-

  • Addictions
  • Anxiety
  • Asthma,
  • Cancer Support
  • (post) COVID19 problems
  • Covid vaccine problems including the boosters
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Colic and Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Coughs,
  • Depression
  • Earaches,
  • Eczema
  • Exam Nerves
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Flu,
  • Grief
  • Hay Fever
  • Hormonal conditions, Menopause, PMT
  • IBS
  • Infertility
  • Insomnia
  • Long COVID
  • Loss of Confidence
  • ME
  • Migraines
  • Molluscum Contagium
  • OCD
  • Pregnancy (problems and fears)
  • Psoriasis
  • Reoccurring Colds/Sore Throats
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Vaccination problems (Never Been Well Since)

    Please see here for up to date information about Clinical Trials.

    Although I am very approachable with all age groups I have been told that I have an affinity in working extremely well with children, from babies to teens, understanding their needs and being able to explain what is happening in a way they can understand. This helps them to take part of their own healing process, building up their confidence. I have found that after successful treatment of the children, the parents then book for an appointment for themselves. I have many extended families of 3 generations in my Southport Homeopathy practice. My youngest patient has been a 2 day old baby and the oldest age 93.


EFT in Southport

As well as being an up to date Homeopath attending many CPD sessions I have been a Southport EFT Practitioner since 2002. I am a Practitioner in Meridian Therapies, a Level 3 ( Advanced) EFT Practitioner, a qualified TAT Practitioner and also a qualified Emotrance and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. I can offer EMDR therapy if suitable. I run 2 hour Workshops in EFT for groups of 6 people at home and 10+ participants for companies and school INSET. See here for a brilliant video made by the founder Gary Craig. Here is one about EFT in the NHS from the BBC.. I attend CPD sessions to keep me up to date with recent EFT innovations, the most recent was Matrix Reimprinting. Please watch this brand new 5 mins video explaining EFT and Matrix Reimprinting right here.

EFT in Southport

New EFT Workshops starting
For more information
Phone Me on 01704 560626
Click here to email me

My Homeopathy and EFT clinic is in Southport, Merseyside but other than Southport my patients come from Formby, Ormskirk, Maghull, Wigan and Liverpool as well as the Wirral, Preston, the Isle of Man and other parts of Lancashire and the North West. I estimate that 95% of my patients come from a recommendation.



Homeopathy in Southport

Free, No Obligation Discussion
Phone Me on 01704 560626
Click here to email me
New-SKYPE sessions now offered


Athlete Playing Too Hard ?


Are you an athlete looking for an effective remedy for sports injuries and accidents? One option is homeopathy for treating sports injury of several kinds. In case of athletes, injuries of acute and chronic forms are quite common, and homeopathy offers a completely natural treatment without any side effects on your body that may affect your performance. Homeopathy provides you effective and rapid healing and promotes natural healing of your injuries. Using homeopathic medicines for treating your sports injuries at the right time allows you to stay away from undergoing surgeries, which are inevitable in the case of serious injuries that progress over time. The values of homeopathic remedies are that they work on all levels, this applies to the mental and emotional aspects of injury as well as the physical ones.


The top 5 homeopathic medicines, in alphabetical order, that are beneficial for athletes who suffer from sports injuries of various forms are:


1.  Arnica – Arnica is one of the most popular homeopathic remedies used for sports injuries. This is considered to be the first line of treatment for physical bruising and trauma. It is highly effective when taken immediately after an injury and is used to help with the bruising pain received after an injury.

Note: this is a part of all first aid kits at football games, at all levels including college and the NFL, and is a legal medicine that can be taken by athletes and players receiving an injury on the field.

2.  Hypericum - Hypericum is often referred to as the “Arnica of the nerves” and is used in injuries to parts rich in nerves, most commonly spinal injuries and injuries to the coccyx, but also fingers, toes and head injuries, particularly where the pain is sharp, shooting and neuralgic in character. Arnica is often given first, before this medicine.

3.  Rhus tox – Rhus Tox is one of the most useful remedies, after arnica. Often called the “rusty gate” remedy, useful when the limb feels creaky at first, but gets limber with movement. Muscle stiffness, as a result of sweating and getting cold, will respond well to this treatment. It is helpful in all kinds of traumatic injuries, sprains, and strains, which are often accompanied by stiffness and burning.

4.  Ruta – Ruta, as a remedy, lends itself for tendons, ligaments and cartilage, and in injuries to these connective tissues it is almost always helpful

5.  Symphytum – Symphytum is the remedy often called ‘the bone-setter” or ‘knitbone’. It will help a fracture knit quickly. It also can be used when there are torn muscles, tendons or ligaments.


I am having a lot of success with Matrix Reimprinting – an offshoot of EFT tapping for any problem which has been caused from a trauma in the past. If you would like to try it do contact me via my website for an appointment. EFT tapping is proving a Godsend for those with anxiety from the virus. Do contact me if you think I can help you.

Phone Me on 01704 560626

Please see here for information on Clinical trials

Click here to email me


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