Southport Homeopathy


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Homeopathy in Southport

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Here are a few of the remedies I like to reach for during times of Excess:

1. Too Much remedy: Nux vomica: Great for over-indulgence of all kinds: too much food, too much drink, too much work, too much play….this remedy is a must.

2. For slow digestion, or improper digestion, esp. of fats: A couple of my favorites are:
Pulsatilla: the main remedy for inability to digest fats…and
Carbo-veg.: for those whom Puls. Seems to do nothing for, are usually aided by this remedy.

3. Flatulence: is very often aided by a dose of Carbo-veg. or Lycopodium (Lyc. Esp. if the flatulence is a late afternoon problem), Bryonia, if worse for motion. And Sepia also, can come in handy if there is vomiting after eating.

4. Aggravation from Sweets: Argentum nit., Pulsatilla, Sulphur or even Causticum, can be wonderful remedies for this situation.

And for those who are feeling:

5. Anxiety due to lack of Sleep: again, Nit. Ac. can be oh, so helpful for this type of exhaustion, esp. if there is shortness of breath. But we cannot forget the most helpful of all Care-givers remedies: Cocculus; a wonderful antidote for those needing to balance from long hours of caring for others or doting on their needs.

And last but certainly not least:

6. Anxiety due to financial worry: Calc. ars. And Calc. fluor. Are wonderful helps for the mind laden with financial worries.

So, don’t hesitate to reach for these helpful remedies during the Season of Excess, but don’t forget other simple things as well:

*Frankincense resin for heartburn – 3 or 4 little resin lumps swallowed with water helps to rid the body of heartburn.


*Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) – a half teaspoon, mixed in a half cup of warm water, stirred until dissolved and drunk down, will work to balance the acidic level and aid in digestion.

*Warm Chamomile tea before bed helps just about everyone, get a good, restful night's sleep.

*Essential Oils; like Frankincense raises our spiritual awareness, Lavender or Spruce can help us to rest or sleep.

And of Course:

Joy. Wear a smile and before you know it. You will convince yourself that you are happy and you will definitely affect the lives of those you meet in a joyful way!

I am having a lot of success with Matrix Reimprinting – an offshoot of EFT tapping for any problem which has been caused from a trauma in the past. If you would like to try it do contact me via my website for an appointment. EFT tapping is proving a Godsend for those with anxiety from the virus. Do contact me if you think I can help you.


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Your Homeopath in Southport

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Phone Me on 01704 560626
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Useful Websites & Further Reading

There are literally thousands of books available on homeopathy available nowadays and any large bookshop should have a fair selection. Amazon is a useful website, there you can read reviews of books written by people who have read the books in question.

Some of the books that you may find useful as a newcomer to homeopathy include:

"Homeopathy" by Phyllis Speight
"Homeopathic Remedies for Children" by Phyllis Speight
"Homeopathic Remedies for Women's Ailments" by Phyllis Speight
"Complete Homeopathy" by Miranda Castro
"Handbook of Homeopathic Alternatives to Immunization" by Susan Curtis

The best place to find information regarding homeopathy in the UK on the web is probably . It contains an inexhaustible amount of links, reading, medical papers, qualified homeopathic practitioners in your area and all the up-to-date information regarding the world of homeopathic therapy that you could need.

You may also wish to have a look at other useful sites, including those belonging to the governing bodies in the world of homeopathy:

NEW!! Research shows Cytotoxic effects of ultra-diluted remedies on breast cancer cells.

How Homeopathy Works - An excellent short video by Dana Ullman

Homeopathy Heals Me - A brand new informative website

An Overview of Positive Homeopathy Research

The Society of Homeopaths

The Homeopathic Information Service

The Homeopathic Remedy Finder

Homeopathy Mall

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